Cannabusters is committed to improving the Cannabis Industry's image by effectively dealing with odor.
Cannabusters - The Odor Stopper
Who We Are:
We bring game-changing odor elimination technology, proven across multiple odor markets, to the world of cannabis odor control. Cannabusters effectively crushes odor by following nature's lead.
That clean air smell after it rains? We do the same thing wherever nuisance odor is present, with the same result! Clean air! Since Cannabusters is odorless it truly is clean air.
Clean air means no nuisance odor, complaints go away, you are a hero and the cannabis industry is more professional.
What We Do
We bring turn-key odor solutions, from concept through implementation to cannabis projects. Cannabusters' brings odor elimination, improved public relations and peace of mind to cannabis operators. Our team's experience and legendary customer service are the final word in cannabis odor control.
We should talk if you see benefit for your operation.