Dioecious Plants & Genders
The next time you decide to name your plant, a gender-neutral name is a great option, as the vast majority of plants can be both female and male simultaneously. However, Cannabis and hemp plants are part of a select group of species identified as dioecious, which means that each plant can only have one gender at a time. When determining the gender of your newest harvest and the differences in their smells, read on in this article from the Cannabusters team.
Is Your Pre-Flower Cannabis Plant Male or Female?
With the emergence of hair-like stems and the development of buds, the pre-flowering phase is one of the most exciting parts of Cannabis cultivation, as you can see your new buds beginning to develop for the first time. During the pre-flowering stage, Cannabis plants are transitioning to their flowering stage, at which point the characteristics of male versus female plants are revealed. Here is how to identify your Cannabis plants during the pre-flowering stage:
Preflower Female Cannabis Plant: During the pre-flowering stage, if your Cannabis plant produces white or pink hairs accompanied by tiny pistils in the shape of a V, the plant is female.
Preflower Male Cannabis Plant: To identify male cannabis plants during the pre-flowering stage, look for smooth, egg-shaped sacs that develop within the fourth week after your plant's germination. If your cannabis plant has no hairs and circular pollen sacs, it is male.
Cannabis Plant Genders & Smells
Now that you can identify the signs of male versus female cannabis plants during the initial flowering stage, you might be wondering about the difference in smell. When it comes to cannabis genders and smells, there is not a significant difference in the odor produced by male and female cannabis plants. However, female cannabis plants are known for their strong aroma, while male cannabis plants develop a faster terpene profile, leading to a more potent scent.
What to Do with Male vs. Female Cannabis Plants
Most cannabis cultivators disregard male marijuana plants, as they are known for having buds that do not contain THC or CBD. Additionally, male cannabis plants have a tendency to pollinate female cannabis plants, which can dilute the potency of the female plants' buds. If you are wondering whether all male cannabis plants are undesirable, the answer is no. Male marijuana plants can be used to make cannabutter, an ingredient used in cannabis cooking; however, it will not produce the traditional cerebral effects that typical cannabis edibles create.
Cannabusters & Cannabis Cultivation
As North America’s leading cannabis odor elimination technology provider, Cannabusters is committed to improving the cannabis industry and staying ahead of cultivation trends. For successful odor elimination and cannabis cultivation growth, Cannabusters recommends identifying and maintaining your female plants and removing male plants to ensure a potent crop. For all cannabis cultivation questions and odor elimination methods, contact Cannabusters today!
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